What are the 10 Commandments, and are they important?

We all need rules to live by. Just think of films like the Mad Max series or the Book of Eli and it’s pretty easy to see what our world might be like if we all did what we wanted without having to answer to anyone else! Without laws and rules, there would be absolute chaos.

The 10 Commandments were given by God as guidelines to the type of life that he wants each of us to live. He knows what’s best for us, and if we follow His rules, then we will be living in the way that’s best for us and the people we know.

Sadly they are often misused, misunderstood or completely forgotten! So here’s a quick paraphrase of the 10 Commandments God gave to His people:

  1. You shall have no other gods before me.
  2. You shall not make your own ‘gods’ out of anything and then bow down to them.
  3. You shall not misuse the name of God to swear, show your frustration or make jokes.
  4. Remember to have rest in your weekly routine that allows you to focus on God.
  5. Respect your parents.
  6. You shall not murder.
  7. You shall not commit adultery.
  8. You shall not steal.
  9. You shall not lie about others.
  10. You shall not crave (or long for) other people’s stuff.

Many years after God gave the 10 Commandments, Jesus summed them up in a way that is more easily remembered and helps us to understand what God is getting at. When Jesus was asked what is the most important of the Commandments he answered : “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.” The second is this: “Love your neighbour as yourself.”

  1. When Jesus said “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength” he was explaining the first 4 of the 10 Commandments.
    God gave these commands because he wanted our focus to be on Him. He knows that life gets out of hand quickly for us when we love other things more than Him. Chasing after fame, money or sex end up leaving us more unhappy and frustrated. Only God, who really loves us and knows all our needs, can properly satisfy us. That’s why the first commands are all about giving God first place in our lives.

  3. When Jesus said “Love your neighbour as yourself” he was explaining the last 6 of the 10 Commandments.
    If we were to take care of the people we know like we take care of ourselves, then society would be a much better place. If we don’t follow the last 6 of the 10 Commandments, we will become self-centred and hurtful. Lack of respect, violence, murder, stealing, jealousy and lying are all things that can take us over when we are more concerned about ourselves, rather than God and the people He has made.

God gave us the 10 Commandments so that we can know how to live the right way.

— Kevin, an Our Daily Bread reader


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