How can I follow Jesus?

Following Jesus starts by answering the most important question he ever asked to his friends: “Who do you say I am?” (Mark 8:29). He didn’t ask “Who does the church say I am?”, “Who do your parents say I am?” or “Who do your mates say I am?” He asked his friends for their own personal response to Him. He asks the same question of us. So who do you say he is? Have you read the accounts of his life in the Bible to form your own opinion? And if you say he is God, have you told him that you want to trust your life to him?

Following Jesus is simply deciding to trust him with your life and everything. It’s a one-time decision that becomes a lifestyle of relying on him each day. But it starts by simply knowing who he is and what he has done for you. My challenge to you is this: make it your goal to be able to honestly answer his question for yourself: “Who do you say I am?”

— Debbi, an Our Daily Bread reader


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