Doesn’t God just want to stop us having fun?

Are God’s rules and commands there just to stop us doing what we want? No way! Think of it like this . . .

My eldest daughter learned to run when she was about 18 months old. She wanted to run everywhere; but I knew the dangers of her running free. She could have easily dashed out on to a road. So I taught my toddler to come when I called her. This involved tears from both of us as I disciplined her for her own safety. When I had taught her to come when I called her, she no longer needed to hold my hand everywhere. She could run ‘free’ safely because she listened to my voice (or ‘obeyed’ my ‘rules’).

I once heard a Christian speaker say, “God’s love means he is constantly trying to block your route to destruction.” This is a powerful explanation of why God gives us boundaries and rules. Just as I knew of the physical dangers surrounding my daughter, God sees the spiritual dangers we are unaware of.

We’re told “God is treating you as his own children. Who ever heard of a child who is never disciplined by its father?” (Heb. 12:7) and “God’s discipline is always good for us . . . No discipline is enjoyable while it is happening—it’s painful! But afterwards there will be . . . right living for those who are trained in this way” (12:10-11). The commands God gives and the difficult situations He leads us through can feel like too much at the time. But as we obey Him, asking for His strength and leading, He will help us navigate any dangers and problems. Rather than trying to stop us having fun, God wants to keep us safe! “God’s discipline is always good for us”.

— Debbi, an Our Daily Bread reader


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