Do I have to go to church to get to heaven?

Although going to church is very important, it does not mean that you are OK with God or that you will go to heaven when you die. Going to church is something we ‘do’, but to get to heaven there has to be real change in who we ‘are’. That comes by understanding there is something in our lives that stops us getting to heaven (called “sin” in the Bible), and then doing something about it.

The only way for any of us to get to heaven is by agreeing with God that we have sin in our lives and want to change; believing that Jesus died on the cross for us and was raised to life; and then living with Jesus in charge.

The Bible tells us: “If you declare with your mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord,’ and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved” (Romans 10:9).

Going to church is important because there we learn more about Jesus and can start to understand the Bible better. It’s also a place where we can meet other Christians and become part of a community who are living for Jesus together . . . but just going to church won’t get any of us to heaven.

— Kevin, an Our Daily Bread reader


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