Volume 2, Day 295
So many of our hopes and dreams remain unfulfilled. Composer Franz Schubert departed this world leaving behind his ‘Unfinished Symphony’. Similarly, prolific author Charles Dickens was unable to fully develop the plot of his novel The Mystery of Edwin Drood.
We too undoubtedly have aspirations that we will be unable to fulfil. But what a blessing to know that the work of our redemption was totally and perfectly accomplished by Jesus on the cross.
The last words of Jesus, “It is finished,” are actually a single word in the original language (John 19:30). But that word holds oceans of meaning. What Jesus gasped was “Completed!” or “Ended!” That cry from the cross announced that not only had His suffering come to an end but also His redemptive work was eternally accomplished. All that He had come to achieve in His human life was finished. Done!
We can do nothing to add to His sacrifice. Christ’s self-giving death was all sufficient. We stretch out the empty hand of faith and in grace God puts into it the gift of eternal life.
Have you stretched out your hand of faith to receive this gift?